Camera adapter. Converts HDCI(M) to Svideo(M) and DB15(M). Use to connect PowerCam Plus camera to HDX 9000 codec as primary or secondary camera. VI-04 Переходик для подключения PowerCam Plus к терминалу HDX
Camera cable. HDCI(M) to Svideo(M) and Minidin(M). Connects Sony D30,D10,D70,D100,BRC300 and Elmo PTC100 cameras to HDX9000 series codec as main or secondary camera. VI-08 Кабель для подключения камер Sony и Elmo
Converged Management Application Appliance (CMA 5000) + 5000 Devices with Gatekeeper, Conference Monitoring, all Scheduling options, scheduled and automatic provisioning and software update. Also includes redundant appliance and license for 5000.
EagleEye 1080 Camera, compatible with HDX 7000 main HDCI input and 8000 series main and auxiliary HDCI inputs with software version 2.5 or later. Includes 3m cable and required power supply adaptor. NA/UK/Eur/Aus/Sw pwr cord.
Enables Lotus Plug In Option for CMA 4000 (CMA 4000 ships with Web). A single license for a CMA4000 up to 400 devices. Outlook and Lotus Plug Ins may run concurrently.
Enables Outlook Plug In Option for CMA 4000 (CMA 4000 ships with Web). A single license for a CMA4000 up to 400 devices. Outlook and Lotus Plug Ins may run concurrently.
HDX 4001 Executive Desktop System, 20" Widescreen Display, NA/UK/Eur/Aus pwr cord, Included cables: VGA, DVI, 3.5 mm stereo, POTS, and LAN; Country code 81, Russia
HDX 4001 XL package Executive Desktop System, includes: People+Content and People On Content licenses, 20" Widescreen Display, NA/UK/Eur/Aus pwr cord, Included cables: VGA, DVI, 3.5 mm stereo, POTS, and LAN; Country code 81, Russia